SEATTLE, April 30, 2008 -- Progress continues on the first Boeing 777 Freighter as the company's newest cargo airplane was towed out of its factory in Everett, Wash. and onto the flight line Tuesday night. Work will continue on the 777 Freighter to prepare for flight test this summer and to paint the airplane in the Boeing livery.
The 777 Freighter will fly farther and provide more capacity than any other twin-engine cargo airplane. Boeing will deliver the first 777 Freighter to its launch customer Air France in the fourth quarter of 2008. The 777 Freighter is based on the 777-200LR Worldliner passenger airplane and is built using the same production line as all other models of the 777. Eleven customers around the world have ordered 78 777 Freighters
The 777 Freighter will fly farther and provide more capacity than any other twin-engine cargo airplane. Boeing will deliver the first 777 Freighter to its launch customer Air France in the fourth quarter of 2008. The 777 Freighter is based on the 777-200LR Worldliner passenger airplane and is built using the same production line as all other models of the 777. Eleven customers around the world have ordered 78 777 Freighters
SEATTLE, April 28, 2008 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and Jakarta-based Lion Air today celebrated the delivery of the airline's 10th Next-Generation 737-900ER (Extended Range) airplane. The airplane, shown here during a test flight, will be used by the airline to expand its service with new destinations throughout South and Southeast Asia. The airline's 737-900ERs are equipped with performance-enhancing Blended Winglets, which improve fuel efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions by up to 4 percent.
Boeing launched the 737-900ER program in July 2005 when Lion Air announced the initial order for 30 of the newest 737 model. The airline received the world's first 737-900ER in April 2007 and has ordered a total of 178 737-900ERs.
The 737-900ER has substantial economic advantages over competing models, including 6 percent lower operating costs per trip and 4 percent lower operating costs per seat than its competitor -- which is more than 9,550 pounds (4,340 kg) heavier. The 737-900ER joins the 737-600, -700, -700ER and -800 airplanes and will share the same industry-leading reliability of the other Next-Generation 737 series models.

The 737-900ER has substantial economic advantages over competing models, including 6 percent lower operating costs per trip and 4 percent lower operating costs per seat than its competitor -- which is more than 9,550 pounds (4,340 kg) heavier. The 737-900ER joins the 737-600, -700, -700ER and -800 airplanes and will share the same industry-leading reliability of the other Next-Generation 737 series models.
Boeing Company y Lion Air, compañia basada en Jakarta, celebraron el pasado dia 28 de abril la entrega del avion numero 10 del tipo B 737-900 ER, este avion sera usado por la compañia para expandir sus rutas en el Sur y Sureste de Asia.
El 737-900 esta equipado con winglets tipo blend que permite mayor eficiencia en el consumo del combustible el cual ronda el 4 por ciento en relacion con un avion similar sin los mismos.
Boeing lanzo este programa en julio del 2005, cuando la aerolinea coloco una orden por 30 aviones de este tipo, actualmente Lion Air tiene comprometido ordenes de compra por un total de 178 de estos nuevos aparatos. Su primer avion fue recepcionado en abril del 2007.